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InterCat 1st Newsletter

Circular Tourism and Accessible Tourism (CAT) are seen as two fast-growing and sustainable sectors, according to the recent EC Study on the Supply Side of Tourism Education and Training (2016), and CIRTOINNO research report (Interreg Europe, 2019). These two emerging segments are expected to create a competitive niche for disadvantaged regions pursuing sustainable development and tackling the lingering unemployment. Nevertheless, shortage in related VET training reported in  various countries poses lamentable hurdles to their take-off and actions should be taken to increase the Training resources.

Therefore, InterCat Project means to identify and exchange the best training practices in 5 project’s countries according to an evidence-based approach, to be compiled into a Glossary of Training Items for CAT, offer solutions to skills mismatches in CAT and shortage of labor in the sector and to adapt existing learning methods and materials with new evolved methods and realities in CAT, using a bespoke DIATool (Destination Image Analysis tool).


InterCat project has started! On 28 and 29 of July 2021, the kick off meeting of our project has taken place. After previous online meetings, the consortium has met in

Tusa (Italy), bringing together representatives of all partners of the project from Greece, Portugal, Latvia, Italy and Spain.

The kick-off meeting was devoted to the presentation of the project’s aims and objectives as well as for developing the work plan for the entire project. The most important issues were related to the preparation and implementation of the work deliverables and the training activities of the project. During the meeting, the project partners were also welcomed by the vice mayor of Tusa, as a potential stakeholder of the project.

According to the application, the next step within the project would be the implementation of the Training Course for Staff and Trainers on Circular and Accessible Tourism (CAT) in Portugal.

What next?

After the elaboration of the Glossary of Training Items related with circular and accessible tourism (CAT), the project consortium will prepare for the Training Course for Staff and Trainers on CAT in Portugal.

TOURBIZ4VET Kick off Meeting

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Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Taranto

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The training for staff of InterCat in circular and accessible tourism takes place in Portugal

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The InterCAT’s Kick-Off Meeting took place in Tusa (Italy) on 28-29 July 2021. This first face-to-face meeting allowed the partners of this Erasmus+ project to meet each other in person. The working sessions of these two days meeting has focused on the work done and to be done in order to implement the deliverables of [...]