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Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Taranto, Italy 27./28.10.2021

This meeting was a real meeting from participants of the countries Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Spain combined with a video-conference for two partners, who could not come, Cyprus and Portugal.

Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Taranto
Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Taranto

Participants from Portugal and Cyprus take part of the meeting via video-conference.

Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Taranto
Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Taranto

TOURBIZ4VET Kick off Meeting

Sustainable tourism business strategies through service-based learning Venue: Offices of Colonia Segarra, 192 – La Vall d’Uixó, Spain Date: 03/10/2022   The first project meeting which illuminated the individual tasks of the consortium, while defining project’s implementation plan, took place on the 3rd of October 2022, in La Vall d’Uixó, Spain. The meeting was organized [...]