Really Hempful!
The project „Really Hempful!“ has officially started on December 2023. This project is a cooperation partnership in Vocational Education and Training under the Erasmus+ Programme. With various types of partners, including the University of Hohenheim, two Vocational schools: Stefan Tsanov from Bulgaria and ERGASIA EKPEDEFTIKI S.A. from Greece, two NGOs: My Country? Europe from Italy, ART+INN from Lithuania, the cluster CzecHemp from Czechia, and the European Industrial Hemp Association, the two-year project aims to create educational resources covering the hemp value chain.
With this project, the consortium aims to promote knowledge and skills transfer in the hemp industry, develop comprehensive educational resources on hemp value chains for VET schools, and design a vocational hemp studies curriculum that could be taken up and implemented after the project.
During the first year of the project, a handbook for VET schools containing interactive elements to teach and learn about hemp cultivation, processing, markets, and regulation will be created. A series of podcasts highlighting best cases regarding hemp in Europe will also be conceived. During the second year of the project, a curriculum proposal for hemp studies at vocational level will be designed and put in practice during a pilot phase with students from the VET schools.
On the 25 of January, the partners met at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany for the official kick-off meeting. Any person interested in knowing more about the project feel free to contact the coordinator George Soulos (lina.mayorgaduarte@uni-hohenheim.de)